The process is like a murder mystery, ask the right questions to uncover the right information to come to the correct decision(s)
The Culture Thing
What is this culture thing, why is it so important to M&A’s and why is it the whipping post for failed M&A’s?
The Hunt
What can be done prior to looking for a deal that increases success?
‘The Hard Work’ Part 2
How do I know if my company is ready to do an M&A and who do I involve and when?
‘The Hard Work’ Part 1
Successful M&A’s are accomplished with an effective process not following a checklist. The process begins when you start thinking about an M&A.
So You Want to Do A Merger/Acquisition?
A Strategy For Growth??? A McKinsey white paper stated: ‘65-85% of M&A’s fail to recover the cost of capital invested’. This statistic always amuses me as I have never sat in a board meeting listening to the CEO pitch why the merger or acquisition makes good business sense and then finishes by stating: “but we […]