The idea of a team at the top is a seductive notion for Leaders. There are very few who do not refer often- both privately and publicly – to their ‘top team’. Why is it then that employees often see less team performance at the top of the organization than elsewhere in the company.
Leaders get in trouble right away with Teams is two-fold. First, they use the term team generically. They want their work group to ‘feel’ like a team and function like a team (whatever that means). Second, Leaders perceive only one definition of a team or application, when there are really three (or sometimes more) distinct ones.
To Team or Not to Team
Does it make good business sense to have a focus on Teams? Throwing around the terms Team and teamwork brings up many different ideas of what those terms mean.
What IF?
A business owner recently remarked that he finds himself spending more time asking What IF questions relative to his business than ever before. Is he wasting his time?
Why Should You Fire 10% of Your Customers?
So, how would you go about figuring who’s on the firing list? How about by revenue that’s an old standby? What about who’s the biggest pain in the —– you fill in the blank.
Senior Management Incentive Programs-Do They Work?
Do they WORK? Depends on what you mean by ‘work’. At best they usually succeed at securing one thing only: temporary compliance. But what is the cost of this compliance? In ancient times human sacrifice was practiced every day assuring that the sun rose every morning. And it did.