Milton Friedman once used this analogy to explain the effects of Inflation. When you go on a drinking binge you get all the good feeling first, it’s later on all the bad stuff appears. I think the parties over and the hangover is starting to appear. Governmental fiscal policy since 2008 along with the pandemic […]
Are You Treating Your Employees Like Rats in A Skinner Box
Push the lever get a reward. Skinner’s operant conditioning or the old ‘carrot and stick’ behavioral theory. This motivational theory continues to underpin most of the management tools the business community mistakes for good business and leadership practices. Does your company reflect this theory? “ Today there is a mismatch between what science knows and […]
Why Leaders Can’t Listen
A common refrain about the characteristics of a successful Leader/Entrepreneur is they have “passion, are resourceful, willing to improvise and listen to others and have a strong determination to succeed”. I have worked with a significant number of successful owners, CEO’s and Presidents and they ALL fit the profile except for the listening part.
Do You Want to Change the Culture of Your Company
Do you want to change the culture of your company? You may not want to and then again you may not have a choice. The question is, will you be a victim of the change or the manager of it?
Strategy vs Execution Part 3
“Leaders have three fundamental responsibilities: They craft a vision, they build alignment, and they champion execution.” Anonymous. In my experience what gets companies into difficulty is when they forgot the alignment question in their strategic planning, operational execution and problem solving.
Strategy vs Execution Part 2
“All that matters on the chessboard is good moves” Bobby Fischer. Strategy drives day-to-day execution or is the other way around? If you can’t execute the strategy what good is it? Revenues down, where is the problem?